Sunday, August 10, 2014

‘Spirituality: What the hell does that really mean??”

Monday, July 22, 2014

I have been clear in my affiliation with Judaism, but I also consider myself to be a spiritual person. For me, spirituality is what I call “container comprehension”. There are many things that I consider spiritual, but what does it really mean? I guess it’s all a personal interpretation. Personally, I think it means following my heart, listening to my feelings and not doing everything in life based on logical thinking. Those who know me well, already know that it is not necessarily easy for me to do.

I believe all living beings are connected through an energy which we are all part of, and made up of. This helps with our intuitions, gut feelings, etc.. It also means for me, that we can all create the life that we want, and that all things happen for a reason. What we consider to be ‘bad things’ are really just life’s lessons to help us grow unless it is something which we have created on our own.

I am sure that you know people who say: “Why does this stuff always happen to me?” I believe that their negative thinking generates a vibe which is carried out by the energy surrounding us all. It is often referred to as ‘the law of attraction’.
In Judaism, God is the creator of everything and the source of all goodness. It is much more than just that for me. That being said, I have united both religion and spirituality for my own benefit.

What does spirituality mean to you?

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