Saturday, January 4, 2014

’Life has a way of working itself out’

Monday, December 16, 2013
My mother recently shared with me her retirement plans.  After this discussion, I sat down and did the math. If I have figured it out correctly – it  means I will have only two years of freedom to get my own life together before she retires. Inevitably, I will be responsible for her and I am okay with that. Reality is though that I have no idea what that will entail. There is no way to prepare for that really and yet, it is something that I have to seriously think about.

What is more important; her quality of life – or my new life as a free man? How can I successfully merge these two critical goals? Can that be done even? Really, it’s not a matter of ‘can’, but ‘how?’.
Life supposedly has a way of working itself out though – right? I should try not to allow these thoughts to consume me and yet, it can all be so overwhelming.  I have nobody to blame but myself though. I could have already established myself and been ready for this had I not been so completely stupid. There is no point in playing the ‘what if?’ game so I will leave it at that.

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