Saturday, January 4, 2014

‘My Future’

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Come the 1st of the new year, I will have 5 years remaining on my sentence. That may seem like a great deal of time to many people, but in comparison to the time I have already served, it is going to go by very quickly.

Release is – and always has been, the biggest challenge for people who are incarcerated. It seems that nobody is taught the proper skills for reentering society. For those who have no means, family, education or work skills, the chance for them to re-offend is very high and recidivism is likely. I know that I am in a fantastic position, blessed in fact. 

I have a number of family and friends willing to take me in and help me get back on my feet. I am educated and I do have some work skills. 

The easy things I have already decided upon. My destination will be Boston, Massachusetts. I will be living with my friend Joey initially. We will both have to make some concessions to each other but I think it will actually be the best decision for me. We have spoken about it and it will, no doubt, be an adventure.  Moving in with my mother is a distant option. She will have to be living in Boston and established there prior to my release for me to even consider it. The thought of the both of us starting over in a new city is a huge undertaking. One that I would hate to take on.

But now the toughest decision remains hanging in the balance; what in the world am I going to do for work? I candidly admit that it this decision terrifies me the most. It’s not as ex-offenders have their picks of jobs. I would love to work for myself. I have a passion for fitness and intuitively, I keep coming back to becoming an athlete or a personal trainer. Beginning that at the age of 37 though, is what gives me pause. I think it’s what I am supposed to do though. I feel it. In any case, the clock is ticking and I need to get on the ball.

A part of me loves the idea that I am not sure how my life will turn out, but like so many, I am incredibly anxious about it.

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