Saturday, October 13, 2012

Phone Calls to Joe

Sunday, September 30, 2012

For the past 5 years of my life, the only moments of genuine happiness I get are when I am on the phone with Joe. I can be ‘me’. I can vent all my frustrations, laugh or simply listen to him tell me about his day. He can bring me down from a (10) on the “Freaking Out” scale to a (2) in 15 minutes. That fact alone is amazing.

Over time though, I have found that these phone calls have come to mean more and more to me. There are times when I become very concerned when I cannot get a hold of him for days and I wonder, what that means. To give you a comparison, if I cannot get a hold of my mother for a couple of days, it’s okay. The same goes for other family and friends. That does not ring true for Joe though. If nothing else, this should illustrate how interesting the dynamic of our friendship is.  What we share is more than friendship. What we have, well, there is no real title for.
Anyway, I spoke to him on Friday afternoon and received a recap of the week from him. Thankfully, everything is okay. The only chore he has this weekend is prepping his house for my mom’s arrival next week.

What a week they will have!

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